Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Desease is a bacterial infection that harms periodontium, that is gums, bones and other tissue.

Usually it don’t hurt so it can be found just when gums and bone are seriously compromised.

Periodontal Desease or “ PYORRHEA “ is the most frequent cause of teeth loss an adults: regular check-ups will permit an early diagnosis and prevention or treatment of it.

Dental plaque is a white-yellowish film composed of bacteria and food residuals that can appear on teeth surface , usually next to the gums . If not removed constantly brushing teeth, it becomes tartar .

This, when forming under the gums, can make claque removing harder : claque bacteria release e toxin that harms gums, bone and the other tissues.

Other causes of pyorrhea are smoking , genetic predisposition (1 person out of 3 is genetically predisposed) , pregnancy and other situation that weaken our immune system (stress, systemic diseases like diabetes mellitus , antidepressants drugs , contraceptives , antihypertensives).

When noticing symptoms like bleeding gums while brushing , reddened gums, swollen or sensibile gums , gums set apart from teeth , gums releasing pus, frequent halitosis, moving teeth teeth or displacement of some teeth, it is better to talk to a dentist.

Diagnosis should be done as early as possibile : usually gums are 2-3 mm way from teeth. When affected by pyorrhea the distance increases forming a gingival pocket : plaque will concentrate there and create some hygienic problems.

A probe will be used to measure the deepness of parodontal pockets , the bleeding or swelling of gums are dental mobility or sensibilità will be evaluated too when diagnosing.

Finally every tooth is x-rayed to evaluate bones reabsorption.