

At Stomatologico Lariano there is a program of night-time monitoring and recording of the mandibular cervical skeletal disorders related to correct mouth closure and bruxism.

This is carried out by a “recorder”, a stimulator the size of “a box of matches”, that continuously measures the electromyographic signals during sleep and analyzes them using a special algorithm connected to an electrode that is attached to the temporal muscle on the patient’s neck by a bio adhesive patch.

The device is worn for three consecutive nights with continuous night time monitoring which record all the night time episodes of bruxism: it records not only the number of episodes, but also the average duration and intensity of the episodes.

The clinical indication to this type of examination is the presence of at least one of the following conditions:

  1. tension type “headache”
  2. Sensitivity or stiffness in the neck areas
  3. Mandibular tension or sensitivity in the chewing muscles
  4. Pain or dental hypersensitivity

5grinding of the teeth overnight reported by the partner

  1. Abrasion-Pathological consumption of teeth and / or fixed prostheses
  2. Sleep disturbances
  3. Proper prosthetic or implant-prosthesis programming