
Implantology is the most recent branch of odonthoiatric research and in the last years has reached such security, reliability and predictibility standards that it has become the best solution in every case of teeth loss.

Substitution of a lost tooth can involve the nearest teeth through the use of a fixed prosthesis anchored to those.

When this is not possible because of a mouth’s conditions, adoption of a mobile prosthesis that has to be removed and washed after every meal is the next best solution.

Implantology was born mustly to fix these inconvenients as an altenative to traditional treatments.

It consists in positioning with a surgery some cylindrical titanium structures in the bone , where the tooth was , making them become “ roots “ on which you can anchor one or more artificial teeth.

After an accurate diagnosis consisting of the study of occlusive models of the patient and an evaluation of the bone using digital Orthopantomograph and TAC if needed a personal treatment plan is created and planned the surgery with which implants are positioned under the bone and the gums .

This is followed by a 4 -6 month break to let the bone integrate the implant; then this is partly uncovered and linked to a “pivot”, that come out from the gum on which the new teeth will be anchored .

A continously evolving scientific research has found a way to position directly the implants (implantology and immediate function) without having to wait for the bone to integrate the implant .

Now in only one day it is possible to position an implant in the bone screw the pivot and put on temporaneous teeth.

After 3 – 5 months the ultimate prosthesis can be put on.

This tecnique can be used on single teeth and mouths with no teeth at all, usually having to deal with bone atrophy.

This can be done just in one day positioning four implants on superior and inferior jaws.

A patient gets out of the operating room with two temporaneous fixed prosthesis anchored at the implants, goes home and can chew immediatly.

At Stomatologico Lariano™ we perfected advanced surgical and maxillo facial techniques that made possible to position endo-ossei implants and put a fixed prosthesis on in every case of edentulia and bone atrophy.

Titanium is a metal , it is higly tollerable so they use it a lot in orthopaedic prosthesis: it can’t be resected . Rejection is an immunologic reaction of our body toward somebody else’s organ like after a transplant : titanium doesn’t cause this and is perfectly integrated in the bone, in 3-6 months, depending on where it’s been positioned.

In 1965 Prof Branemark was the first surgeon that was able to position this kind of implants in a human being with success and predictibility: Dr. Massimo Cianci has applied successfully these implants for many years.

Self made implants and clones, unfortunately very common in Italy, must be avoided even if cheaper ; when using these bone integration and broken implants are frequent.

This surgery can be done in the ambulatory with local anaesthesia or , if necessary, with sedo-analgesia in presence of an anaesthetist .

Post surgical pain is absent , patients can work normally the very day or the day after.