TAC Dental Cone Beam 3D

Three Dimensional Dental Tac

STOMATOLOGICAL LARIANO possesses the most innovative X-ray system currently available on the world market: the Newtom team was the first user of the Cone Beam technology in the dental field.

The Computerised tomography 3D Cone Beam which STOMATOLOGICAL LARIANO uses, produces volumetric images that show teeth in three-dimensions and anatomical structures of the mouth with greater accuracy and with x-ray doses up to 30 times lower than a traditional CT scan.

This Dental Cone Beam CT scan, in case of implant surgery allows you to pre-plan on the computer, before the operation, the exact location of the implant and then during the operation, as a guide that allows the implantation without scalpels ( guided surgery) and the cementation of a fixed dental prosthesis on the same day (teeth fixed in 4 hours).

STOMATOLOGICAL LARIANO forefront in technology and innovation: Tac Cone Beam, Panning, paranasal sinuses Rx, Rx ATM, for cephalometric studies and carpal radiology.


CAT Cone Beam 3D: maximum quality three dimensional images with reduced X-ray exposure

What is the Tac Cone Beam?

The Tac Cone Beam is a modern diagnostic method that allows you to reproduce sections (tomography) and generate three-dimensional image of the skull (or some of its areas) by means of radiation acquired by a digital sensor and processed by a computer.

What are the differences between the cone beam images and panoramic images?

Both diagnostic methods are key instruments to facilitate the assessment of health conditions, the diagnosis of dento-maxillofacial diseases and the planning of implant treatment, endodontic and surgical. While panoramic radiographs produce a flattened two-dimensional image and a deformed view of the anatomical structures of the mouth, the Cone Beam technology allows us to produce three-dimensional images with the enormous advantage of being able to faithfully reproduce the anatomical structure in question without deformation.”

What are the advantages of the Stomatolgico Larian Cone Beam Technology over the traditional Dental Tac?

The lower radiation dose to the patient which is up to 30 times less compared to a conventional CT scan, SafeBeam technology that automatically controls the radiation dose necessary according to the size of the patient: our machine automatically recognizes a child from an adult adapting the dose of rays necessary for the examination.

Can a disabled patient in a wheelchair perform Tac Cone Beam?

The access of a disabled person to our machine is easy and comfortable and does not require patient movement because the examination can be performed in a seated position.

Is it possible to limit the radiation beam to a specific area of ​​the mouth?

With the Tac Cone Beam, zones of different diameter can be x-rayed (5 × 5 cm to 11 × 13 cm) and areas to be treated selected: in this way you obtain more accurate three dimensional images with a drastic reduction of the rays absorbed by the patient.

It is a painful examination?

During the CBCT scan you feel neither pain nor heat and no injection is required of any contrast medium.

How do the images of a scan cone beam improve the diagnosis and facilitate the therapeutic program of the doctor?

This Dental Cone Beam CT scan, in the case of implant surgery allows you to plan on the computer the exact location of the implant, before the operation, and then used during the surgical operation as a guide that allows the implantation without the use of a scalpel (guided surgery) and the cementation of a fixed dental prosthesis on the same day (teeth fixed in 4 hours).

How long it takes to perform a CAT Cone Beam?

The exam is extremely short and is performed with the patient standing: 3D Cone Beam scan lasts 18 to 36 seconds in relation to the width of the area to be studied.

How does the Cone Tac Beam work?

Once the patient has been properly positioned, the operator starts scanning: a turret rotates around the patient’s head and a buzzer sounds for the entire duration of the exam to indicate the emission of X-rays

What clinical information can the Tac Cone Beam give your doctor?

This procedure allows us to analyze with the utmost precision before the operation:

  • impacted Teeth
  • Supernumerary Teeth
  • Third molar considered
  • temporomandibular joints
  • Maxillary sinuses
  • Root Canal
  • Small root fractures
  • Periodontal / endodontic diseases


  • Implant Surgery
  • Orthodontic Treatments
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery